ACB Research brings five years of industry experience to product testing and consumer feedback. With access to over 15,000 hand-picked individuals, in addition to a demographically categorized database of over 500,000 respondents across North America, we offer the quickest, most effective focus group services for small and large businesses seeking hard, reliable data from real life consumers.
Standard focus groups suffer from high facility costs and subpar feedback from “professional” testers who go through the motions to get an easy pay check. We use actual consumers who are eager to hold innovative products in their hands and give real opinions that refine the design process. In addition, our partnership with numerous facilities and test kitchens allows us to stage a focus group in a professional setting, while cutting out unnecessarily high costs that come with “for-rent” facilities.
By focusing on tailoring each and every respondent to best fit the target demographic of your product, ACB research offers high-quality responses at a competitive price point. Our team is dedicated to meeting your specific needs, and we never settle for the standard “one-size-fits-all” approach.